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What Does It Take To Live a Fulfilled Life

Is it money, wealth, success, friends, finding your lifetime partner, or achieving your dreams that make up a fulfilled life? Perhaps these are the things that come to mind when we think of fulfillment. Will we say a person is fulfilled only because he posses those things? According to Mr. Websters, fulfillment is...

It would be helpful to assess these areas and see where we need to work on them.

Know who you are

Have you ever wondered what on earth are you here for?

Did it ever cross your mind that you are just a product of your parents or your existence is just an accident when two persons decided to be together?

No, your parents may be the channel by which you appeared.

They may be responsible for the chromosomes that determined your sex.

They may be responsible for the genes that determine your physical traits so you would unique from anyone else. It may take them for you to be physically wired.

Yes, they may be responsible when they wanted a child and you arrived.

But who you really are is beyond their making.

Whatever you believe in, this is one thing sure about you.

You are unique, you different.

Your looks might be slightly similar to someone else, but sometimes, not even twins can have the slightest similarity.

You're not just a product of multiplication; or your parents' decision to go for a second or third child.

You are original, not a copy.

Over 7 billion people are existing on planet earth but no two thumbmarks are alike.

There's no one else like you.

You are important.

You must have a special function, no matter how simple that function is.

It's unique to you.

You must have an important task for you to be given life.

You are simply created for something that's only for you.

Work vs purpose

Work is what we do for a living, for survival.

It is the result of training hard to learn a skill or earning a degree to practice a certain profession.

One's chosen career may be directly associated with one's passion and abilities, but it's a fact that's mainly aimed at landing a future job.

So we trained ourselves for work to survive.

But does it all stop there?

Are we just created to survive?

Are we just here to do an eat-work-sleep routine until we breathe our last?

What an empty life it would be.

Thankfully, you are created more than that.

And although work can create opportunities for u and others, life was meant to be more meaningful than that. And you are here to participate in something greater.

And that's where your special purpose comes into the picture.

While it is true that your work can benefit others as you render your services and earn a living, your purpose is meant to impact the lives of others at a higher level.

Your job is mainly for your benefit, but your divine or special purpose is mainly to benefit people around you;

to bring inspiration and hope to others.

Dream big

When I was a teener, my mom would let me do the dishes, and while I was doing it,

my mind would begin wandering to far-off places like Alice in Wonderland.

I would dream of flying and reaching the clouds.

I would be so lost in my imagination that my mom would startle me back to reality- and scold me!

Maybe that has nothing to do with one's big dreams, but dreaming always begins with some imagination and trying to figure out how to arrive at your destination.

As I type this, I realized that most of those dreams did come true.

And how I get to reaching those dreams was a matter of determination and perseverance.

So go ahead, dream big! It's free!

When life is hitting you hard, it's good to know that you are given the ability to escape your momentary trouble into your exclusive world of imagination, where no one can stop you, where you are the superman or superwoman. Dream about a sunnier tomorrow, of bigger things!

Energize yourself with greater things to come by focusing your mind on the brighter side of life.

And remember that dreams do come true.

Adjust your lenses

The influx of information technology in the last decade had made lives busier than ever before.

We can get so overwhelmed with loads of information and let them deviate our attention from our real focus so easily.

The good thing is, we are still in control.

We can choose what's beneficial for us.

We can extract what's useful and ditch anything that serves as a distraction.

Social media for instance.

It's an avenue of productivity but it can also be a waste of time.

But there are a lot more distractions that we can start cleaning from the driveway and get straight to our destination.

Use your talents, don't bury them

According to studies, an average person possesses 500-700 skills and abilities, far more than we realize.

The way we see it, these abilities are what make doctors, teachers, musicians, artists, and many more.

But each person is actually wired with hundreds of unrecognized and dormant abilities that just are waiting for acitivation.

A few examples would be:

a person's ability to get attention fast,

make someone laugh,

ability to tongue twist, or roll both eyes in the opposite direction

the ability to figure out a way,

Whatever abilities we are given, we should make use of it and aim at getting better at them.

These are what makes us especially different from one another so we can have a different function and fill the need in each other.

(To be continued)


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