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Lifestyle Check

Are you feeling tired and longing to see some changes but you seemingly have resigned to your circumstances and somehow accepted them as normal? The good thing is, we can always reset our lifestyle and check areas where we are not improving and try to start all over again.

Start at the base to see the basic problems that may be causing partly your unhealthy lifestyle.

Achieving freedom and focusing on what is important will not just realign your life but will enable you to have a sense of fulfillment and contentment.

1. Eating healthy

Who says we need to eat how many times a day and we need to have meat all the time on our table? Understand why other people can catch a virus quicker than others and why the rate of diabetes has greatly increased over the previous decades? Or why are so many people frequenting the dialysis centers nowadays? The answer goes back to what you put into your mouth. Why not start learning to eat the right way and start feeling good about your body today. Don’t leave it until you have gained the undesirable. Rather choose your reward such as longevity, and medication-free when you reach your senior years by careful eating. And don’t forget this: eat now, suffer later.

2. Be debt-free

Have you been a slave to someone because you owe them money? As long as you have not settled your debt, you will always live in the shadow of your debtor. Any unsettled debt will always be a monkey on your back that refuses to give you the peace of mind you needed. Prioritize to pay any borrowing and cut back on spending while living off your means. As long as you cannot control these things, you will remain a slave.

3. No to toxic relationships

We all have our weaknesses. And sometimes, our selfish desires can get in the way, and hurt others around us. We have to understand that we are social human beings and are created to relate to one another. So how do we resolve this conflict? It simply means that we avoid entering into a relationship, whether on a personal, business, or professional level where we can be affected or affect others negatively. This might be a difficult situation within a family. In that case, confronting the problem is the only way.

4. The simpler, the better

The idea of minimalism shouts out what living a simple life means. And there are so many benefits it can give us like getting less pressure to tidy and clean the living space, less desire to buy unneeded stuff, less clatter clearer mind, feel freer, less tired and so on. But maybe the best thing about it is, it enables us to save more and start giving instead. You’ll be amazed how liberating it is to adopt a lifestyle of simple living.

5. Connect to your Creator

This might be optional to some, but at the end of the day, there’s a hollow in our hearts that only God can fill, not stuff, success, ideals and not someone else’s but Him. There’s no substitute. And until He will be allowed to fill that void, something will always be missing. And until he is acknowledged, everything remains superficial and shallow. Let him be in total control and everything else will align for you from deep within to your surroundings. Then real peace and contentment begin, knowing that you have everything because you have God.

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